The problem with treating psoriasis is that hormones can build up in the body and leave men feeling helpless. In addition, addiction and withdrawal symptoms occur. I know what it is because I have been through many treatment regimens. All adequate people use Yenki Derm cream and have completely avoided hormones.
As a teenager I had terrible acne on my skin that just wouldn't go away, although I visited a dermatologist and a beautician for many years but nothing helped. Yenki Derm cream only. And now my skin is completely healthy. This changed my life!
I suffered from psoriasis for so long that my entire arms down to my elbows were damaged. And when I went to the doctor, he prescribed Yenki Derm. The cream works very quickly, removes plaques well, and after the procedure the skin becomes beautiful and soft. Well, thank God I don't have psoriasis.
I had psoriasis seven years ago. At the time, I didn't know how difficult it was to get rid of this disease. At first I used hormonal ointment. I felt a little better, but then I got used to it (((A friend recommended me the cream Yenki Derm. . . It was hard to believe that I had found a drug that saved me from psoriasis.
I've been battling stubborn psoriasis for years, but now I've finally found a solution! I started using it 2 months ago, since then there have been no signs of psoriasis: flaking and itching, red spots - everything has completely disappeared. I'm really happy to have found something that is really effective and works!